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  • Writer's pictureRoger Schechter, MD

Can You Pay for Exosome Treatments with a Health Savings Account?

December 8th is designated as National Health Savings Account Day, a day to raise awareness of an important resource to cover medical expenses.

Rising healthcare costs affect everybody, which is why it is important to take advantage of every opportunity to save money on your out-of-pocket medical expenses.

While Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) are typically used for medical expenses, like pharmacy, dental, vision, or deductibles and co-pays, health-conscious people are increasingly inquiring if they can use their HSA to pay for therapies like exosomes.

The short answer is…..sometimes!

What is an HSA?

An HSA is a personal bank account set aside for out-of-pocket medical expenses in a tax-free way. The balance rolls over each year, so you never lose what you deposit.

Among the benefits of an HSA is the tax shelter. Funds are taken pre-tax and you can even earn tax-free interest on the contributions.

As an example, an individual living in Arizona earning $75,000/year and spending $2,000 out of pocket would save $524 in taxes by running those charges through an HSA.1

[See your tax savings, click here]

Will HSAs Cover Exosome Treatments?

Exosomes are typically used aesthetically for skin and hair. Typically, cosmetic procedures like Botox or fillers are ineligible under the IRS regulations.

However, if the procedure is performed to correct a congenital abnormality, disfigurement from a disease, or personal injury, then it may be eligible.

If a person falls into that category, they will need a Letter of Medical Necessity from their provider, outlining the condition they are treating and how the procedure will alleviate the issue.

Exosomes contain a high concentration of precision powerful blend of precision growth factors, making them a very effective tool for treating wounds and scars.

Previous studies have implicated that exosomes have beneficial functions on the different stages of wound healing, including reducing inflammation, promoting angiogenesis, and regulating matrix remodeling.1-2

Michelle Ralph, owner of Dollface Aesthetics and Wellness in Las Vegas uses Exovex Exosomes to treat a variety of conditions but has found its ability to improve scars to be the most amazing.

“For scarring from acne, post-surgery, or any other type of scarring, I’ve never seen anything that that works nearly as well.”

To see a comprehensive list of eligible medical expenses, see the IRS What Medical Expenses Are Includable?

About Exovex

Exocel Bio is the manufacturer of Exovex Exosomes, a potent blend of precision growth factors, peptides, cytokines, and mRNA that target damaged skin and hair cellular structures topically by providing the nutrients and resources necessary to facilitate the repair of cells.

Exovex can help increase the production of Elastin by 300%, and collagen by 600%!

Contact us today to add this powerful treatment to your clinic.

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